Layer 2

Users interact with Branes through Avvyland's mobile and web applications (thin clients). Actions that users perform on the Brane are called transactions. Once a user performs a transaction, a thin client sends a message to an Avvyland-designed engine called an L2 node.

TERM: L2 node is a multi-component authority engine that handles an IDApp (or Brane). It receives messages from thin clients containing information about users' actions, processes them accordingly, and then submits the results in an aggregated form (rollups) to L1 smart contracts.

With the Brane Object Model, the objects that are present in the Brane form a hierarchical database (tree), where the objects are described by their smart contracts and interconnected. When a user performs an action, an L2 node processes a corresponding message from the thin client and introduces the required changes in the state and balance of the objects. These changes are registered in the node's blockchain as transaction blocks. After a set time period, the L2 node forms a rollup according to universal rules and sends it to the layer 1 smart contracts for validation and storage.

L2 nodes function independently and are connected in a decentralized network, or layer 2 (lower execution layer).

NOTE: Each IDApp is processed by a corresponding L2 node. One L2 node can only process one Brane at a time.

All actions in the Brane are processed as follows:

  1. The user initiates an action in the Brane using the web or mobile application.

  2. The thin client transmits the user's action as a message to an L2 node that processes the corresponding IDApp.

  3. The L2 node checks the message and preliminarily approves or rejects it.

  4. The L2 node processes the message, makes corresponding changes, and forms a new block in its blockchain.

  5. The L2 node reflects visible changes to the thin client and user.

  6. The L2 node submits the resulting data to L1 smart contracts located in a public blockchain.

The entire procedure is performed using an open-source protocol designed by Avvyland that can be used by advanced participants to customize сommunications between IDApp components.

L2 nodes provide a means for setting the behavior of 3D objects with a high-level programming language that does not require coding. Everything added to a Brane will behave in accordance with user-generated rules.

Last updated